boosting train中文什么意思

发音:   用"boosting train"造句
  • boost:    vt. 1.〔美口〕(由下或由后)推 ...
  • train:    vt. 1.训练;培养,养成;锻炼( ...
  • boosting:    大电流充电; 电压升高; 辅助加热; ...
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  1. The government is also taking active measures to boost training and employment
  2. In a report i received in june this year , the small and medium enterprises committee proposed a series of measures to assist smes . the thrust of their proposal is to set up four funds amounting to $ 1 . 3 billion to help boost training , open up markets , implement projects and programmes to lift competitiveness , and to purchase business equipment and appliances with credit guarantees from the government
  3. In a report i received in june this year , the small and medium enterprises committee proposed a series of measures to assist smes . the thrust of their proposal is to set up four funds amounting to 1 . 3 billion to help boost training , open up markets , implement projects and programmes to lift competitiveness , and to purchase business equipment and appliances with credit guarantees from the government


  1. boosting pump 什么意思
  2. boosting separating device 什么意思
  3. boosting site 什么意思
  4. boosting station 什么意思
  5. boosting the competitiveness 什么意思
  6. boosting transformer 什么意思
  7. boosting voltage 什么意思
  8. boostingbattery 什么意思
  9. boostingcharge 什么意思
  10. boostingpump 什么意思


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